Bumblebee Cafe

When I step out of my house with my son, I always keep in mind that I will not be able to tick anything off my list of things to do. Simply because my little one, is hyper active and does not like chairs, strollers, car seats. You see they come with belts and he does not like belts. They prevent him from getting on with his business, which is generally running around like a headless chicken.

Its amazing how much running can entertain children. He will literally run till he cannot run any more. The extent of which is that he will simply fall to his knees and fall asleep on the floor. And it doesn’t matter what floor it is and where it is- he’s too exhausted to even notice. Thus, shopping is literally and impossible feat when hes with me. So I avoid doing any chores with him.

So when I do go out with him, I am just thinking of how to entertain him. I was struggling to find a indoor play area in Hyderabad. I couldn’t find anywhere that was child friendly in every possible way. Back home in London, there’re a number of play areas and children friendly cafes. So I got busy on the net and after a couple of day of research I found the ‘Bumblebee Cafe’ in Madhapur. Imagine my excitement.

Here what I liked about it.

  • It was 95%  safe for kids to play on their own! Imagine that. In Hyderabad health and safety is really not anybodys top priority. So this was great! My son could play on his own without me having to run around with him. which often ends up looking like follow the leader; he leads, running like a headless chicken and I follow him -running like a headless chicken.
  • The floor soft so falling will not hurt also there are some ladies on the inside to help them….which is niceish. Takes a little getting used to.
  • I could sit outside by the Cafe and watch him play in the play area, which is sealed of by large glass windows and doors. Have a hot coffee, which is a luxury since my drink generally tends to get cold by the time I can have it, or ends up everywhere else but my mouth.
  • Its clean!!! Which is sooo important.

What I didnt like…

  • The coffee was horrible. The food was horrible. I ordered pizza, they served it undercooked. I told them its undercooked, so they over cooked it. Was as hard as a rock. Dint eat it.
  • By the time be came back for our second visit, a lot of the toys were broken and had not been replaced or repaired.
  • There’s only one of everything, so if they’re ten kids inside, your one is gona be like so what do i do?

All in all it was ok. Would I go there again? Yeah I would. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being amazing and 10 being horrible- i’d give it a 4.